Sunday, July 1, 2012

Clear Vision 17+ By FDG Entertainment iPhone Review

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STOP here if you don't like Stickman iPhone apps! Clear Vision is a Stickman sniper shooter iPhone game that has a nice little story to it. You need to successfully complete 25 missions which involve killing a particular stickman in different situations. What makes it a bit more fun is calculating wind and distance, and sometimes you even get to call your victim before you kill them.
In this iPhone app you are paid for completing your mission, and eventually you can purchase better sniper guns. You can even bet on stickman simulated underground boxing to earn more money. I also got a kick out of the newspaper you can read each day, to read about the people you killed. I expect FDG Entertainment will add new missions hopefully soon, and they also have a good amount of iPhone apps in the app store with good ratings, and Clear Vision is a doctors office waiting room time killer worth download.

We would love to hear if you downloaded the app and what you thought of it, leave us a comment below!

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