Saturday, August 4, 2012

SplitApple By MKO Games iPhone Review

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Since archery was one of the most watched sports of the 2012 Summer Olympics, I figured it was time to find a solid iPhone game to give you your bullseye fix. I've downloaded a slew of archery iPhone games, and the only one that met most of my expectations was SplitApple. The graphics resemble a 3D painting as you stare down the bullseye, surrounded by swaying trees and city neighborhoods in the backdrop. To fire your arrow, all you have to do is slide your finger down the button to zoom in, move your iPhone around to aim, and let go. What keeps the game realistic and challenging, is you can choose different wind directions, change the target distance, and even change to moving targets. Feeling confident, see if you can slice apples in half hanging from the trees to get bonus points. I even love the accent when the game say's "spleet apple", or "bools eye".
You'll keep this app for awhile as you can compare your scores on the leaderboard, and choose from five different playing options. PRACTICE before you embarrass yourself on the leaderboard, CHALLENGE switches up distance and targets, shoot fast in TIME TRIALS if you're flight attendant said "please turn off all electronic devices", SURVIVAL, miss the target and lose an arrow, hit a bull or apple, gain arrows. Finally there's POP UP where you aim at random targets that, you guessed it, pop up. Don't like the direction you have to move your iPhone to aim? No problem, in options you can change that as well as change the bow side if you're left handed. I was hoping to find an Olympic archery game so I could nervously wait for the right moment to let go of the arrow as it sticks in the bullseye to beat Italy! SplitApple and its multiple price options including a free version, is not a brand new app to meet that Summer Olympic expectation, but it doesn't matter, because I've yet to find something better in its category!

We would love to hear if you downloaded the app and what you thought of it, leave us a comment below!